countDead() → {integer} Get the number of dead children in this group. Returns
addAt(child, index, silent) → {
new World(game) "This world is but a canvas to our imagination." - Henry David Thoreau A game has only one world. The world is
xy(index, x, y) Positions the child found at the given index within this group to the given x and y coordinates. Parameters
add(child, silent, index) → {
iterate(key, value, returnType, callback, callbackContext, args)
swap(child1, child2) Swaps the position of two children in this group. Both children must be in this group, a child cannot be
divideAll(property, amount, checkAlive, checkVisible) Divides the given property by the amount on all children in this group. Group
forEach(callback, callbackContext, checkExists, args) Call a function on
[readonly] centerX : number Gets the X position corresponding to the center point of the world
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