transformCallbackContext : Object The context under which transformCallback is called.
addChild(child) → {DisplayObject}
blendMode : number The blend mode to be applied to the sprite. Set to PIXI.blendModes.NORMAL to remove any blend mode. Warning:
bottom : number The sum of the y and height properties.This is the same as y + height - offsetY.
[readonly] onDownSoundMarker : string The Sound Marker used in conjunction with the onDownSound
forceOut : boolean | Phaser.PointerMode When
addChildAt(child, index) → {DisplayObject}
[readonly] physicsType : number The const physics body type of this object.
centerY : number The center y coordinate of the Game Object.This is the same as (y - offsetY) + (height / 2)
preUpdate() Automatically called by World.preUpdate. Inherited From
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