outOfBoundsKill : boolean If this and the checkWorldBounds property are both set to true then the kill
kill() → {PIXI.DisplayObject} Kills a Game Object. A killed Game Object has its alive
frame : integer Gets or sets the current frame index of the texture being used to render this Game Object. To change the
setHealth Sets the health property of the Game Object to the given amount.Will never exceed the maxHealth value.
[readonly] offsetY : number The amount the Game Object is visually offset from its y coordinate
[readonly] physicsType : number The const physics body type of this object.
setScaleMinMax(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) Sets the scaleMin and scaleMax values. These values are used to limit how far this Game Object
angle : number The angle property is the rotation of the Game Object in degrees from its original orientation. Values
updateCrop() If you have set a crop rectangle on this Game Object via crop and since modified the cropRect
game : Phaser.Game A reference to the currently running Game
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