strokeColors :array An array of the stroke color values as specified by
frameName : string Gets or sets the current frame name of the texture being used to render this Game Object. To change the
new Text(game, x, y, text, style) Create a new game object for displaying Text. This uses a local
swapChildren(child, child2) Swaps the position of 2 Display Objects within this container. Parameters
parseList(list) → {Phaser.Text}
setChildIndex(child, index) Changes the position of an existing child in the display object container Parameters
transformCallback : Function The callback that will apply any scale limiting to the worldTransform.
[readonly] renderOrderID : number The render order ID is used internally by the renderer and
outOfBoundsKill : boolean If this and the checkWorldBounds property are both set to true then the kill
[readonly] previousRotation : number The rotation the Game Object was in set to in the previous
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