setLayer(layer) Sets the current layer to the given index. Parameters
orientation : string The orientation of the map data (as specified in Tiled), usually 'orthogonal'.
game : Phaser.Game A reference to the currently running Game
create(name, width, height, tileWidth, tileHeight, group) → {
removeAllLayers() Removes all layers from this tile map. Source code:
[static] EAST : number Source code:
format : number The format of the map data, either Phaser.Tilemap.CSV or Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON.
getTileBelow(layer, x, y) Gets the tile below the tile coordinates given.Mostly used as an internal function by calculateFaces
random(x, y, width, height, layer) Randomises a set of tiles in a given area. Parameters
forEach(callback, context, x, y, width, height, layer) For each tile in the given area defined by x/y
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