exists : boolean If exists is true the group is updated, otherwise it is skipped.
callAllExists(callback, existsValue, parameter) Calls a function, specified by name, on all children in the group who exist (or do not
cameraOffset : Phaser.Point If this object is
addChildAt(child, index) → {DisplayObject}
customSort(sortHandler, context) Sort the children in the group according to custom sort function.
x : number The x coordinate of the group container. You can adjust the group container itself by modifying its coordinates
next() → {any} Advances the group cursor to the next (higher) object in the group. If the
forEachExists(callback, callbackContext, args) Call a function on each existing child in this group.
getLocalBounds() → {Rectangle} Retrieves the non-global local bounds of the displayObjectContainer
alignIn(container, position, offsetX, offsetY)
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