[readonly] offsetX : number The amount the Game Object is visually offset from its x coordinate
health : number The Game Objects health value. This is a handy property for setting and manipulating health on a Game Object.
addChildAt(child, index) → {DisplayObject}
tintedTexture :Canvas A canvas that contains the tinted version of the Sprite (in Canvas mode, WebGL doesn't populate this)
x : number The position of the Game Object on the x axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent.
setChildIndex(child, index) Changes the position of an existing child in the display object container Parameters
renderable : boolean Whether this sprite is renderable or not Inherited
stopScroll() Stops an automatically scrolling TileSprite. Source code:
play(name, frameRate, loop, killOnComplete) → {
getBounds() → {Rectangle} Returns the framing rectangle of the sprite as a PIXI.Rectangle object
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