centerX : number The center x coordinate of the Game Object.This is the same as (x - offsetX) + (width / 2)
blendMode : number The blend mode to be applied to the sprite. Set to PIXI.blendModes.NORMAL to remove any blend mode. Warning:
resize(width, height) Resizes the internal canvas and texture frame used by this TilemapLayer. This is an expensive call, so
contains(child) → {Boolean} Determines whether the specified display object is a child of the D
kill() → {PIXI.DisplayObject} Kills a Game Object. A killed Game Object has its alive
shader : PIXI.AbstractFilter The
overlap(displayObject) → {boolean} Checks to see if the bounds of this Game Object overlaps with
health : number The Game Objects health value. This is a handy property for setting and manipulating health on a Game Object.
revive(health) → {PIXI.DisplayObject} Brings a 'dead' Game Object
ignoreChildInput : boolean If ignoreChildInput is false it will allow this objects children
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