getRayCastTiles(line, stepRate, collides, interestingFace)
destroy() Destroys this TilemapLayer. Source code:
key : string | Phaser.RenderTexture |
addChild(child) → {DisplayObject}
fixedToCamera : boolean A Game Object that is "fixed" to the camera uses its x/y coordinates as offsets from the top left of the
pendingDestroy : boolean A Game Object is that is pendingDestroy is flagged to have its destroy method called on the next logic
addChildAt(child, index) → {DisplayObject}
alive : boolean A useful flag to control if the Game Object is alive or dead. This is set automatically by the Health components
new TilemapLayer(game, tilemap, index, width, height) A TilemapLayer is a Phaser.Image/Sprite that renders a specific TileLayer of a
scaleMax : Phaser.Point The maximum scale this Game
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